Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ammon 22nd Ward Teachers

We're the Ammon 22nd Ward Teachers Quorum and this our blog.

"We are sexy beasts and we love girls" -Justin Pieper

"I'm a potato!" -Brittain Porter

"We are the beastly Knigs from the Hill!" -Kaleb Murdock

"To some people soccer is everything, but to me it is much more than that" ~Péle (Quoted by Kyle Murdock)

"I like PIE!" -Brandon Thiel

"Do or do, there is no not" -Cameron Taylor

"I'm the coolest guy in the quorum" Talon Orton.

"I want to ride my dirt bike" (in parody of Queen's "I want to ride my bicycle) -Colby Youngberg

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